Veröffentlicht am 17. Januar 2014 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Events, CoWorking Kultur, Fundsachen | Kommentieren »
Stefan Tittmann Ostsinn (St. Gallen, Schweiz) schrieb: „Wir laden im Rahmen unseres Vereinsjubiläums zu einem Treffen der „Coworking-Szene“ der Deutschweiz und rund um den Bodensee und bitte um Verbreitung dieser Einladung, da wir sicher nicht alle Adressen aller Spaces kennen. Am 20. Februar 2014, 09:30 – 13:30 Uhr diskutieren wir in einem interaktiven Format die […]
Veröffentlicht am 17. Januar 2014 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International | Kommentieren »
After a long and beautiful holiday, we are back at work at CoWorking News. We hope you had a wonderful break as well and wish you a great 2014!!! May your projects develop, grow strongly and blossom like this oak sapling!!!
Veröffentlicht am 24. Dezember 2013 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Videos | Kommentieren »
Time to party and enjoy with coworkers, friends and family! Have a great holiday and hang loose!!! Greetings from all the CoWorking News Contributors, Your Felix Schürholz Musical Coworking Video (Excuse the Ad at the end) A party classic 😉 Have fun 🙂
Veröffentlicht am 20. Dezember 2013 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Free Coworking Directory, List of Coworking Spaces | Kommentieren »
Personal change and coworking evolution does not happen by itself. Social and Economic Change requires „personal and social transformation to go hand in hand“. You are more successful, when you decide to join with others to walk this path of (coworking) evolution . The great Mahatma Gandhi puts it as follows:“ If we could change ourselves, […]
Veröffentlicht am 29. November 2013 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Innovative Produkte, Services und Unterstützung | Kommentieren »
Coworking is about sharing and collaboration, that is why we like to invite YOU to take part in the #cowotools survey looking at: „What are the most important tools that you use for your work in a coworking space?“ The way we work is constantly changing, see the Fifth Age of Work. To understand and […]
Veröffentlicht am 13. November 2013 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Creative Environments, Entrepreneurship, kleine Unternehmen, Gesellschaftliches, New Work, New Life | 1 Kommentar »
The book „The Fifth Age of Work: How Companies Can Redesign Work to Become More Innovative in a Cloud Economy“ by Andrew M. Jones is out now. Thanks to an advance copy provided by Genevieve DeGuzman of Night Owls Press, I am able to write a short review and put the book into perspective with regards […]
Veröffentlicht am 5. November 2013 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Gesellschaftliches, New Work, New Life, Services und Unterstützung | 1 Kommentar »
The Free Coworking Campaign develops and issues its first daily edition. The idea is to integrate more daily news on coworking, free coworking and coworking related technology. The format is new to us, so we very much welcome and invite your feedback, ideas and collaboration. Please comment below or send to We are very […]
Veröffentlicht am 11. September 2013 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Praxisberichte, Beispiele, Best-Practice, Services und Unterstützung | 1 Kommentar »
This is what coworking is about: Sharing skills, but also sharing tools and products. One example we like to draw your attention to today is the Device Lab in Columbus, Ohio. The idea: „Now, there are dozens of Internet enabled devices and a multitude of browsers that people may use to experience your application, design […]
Veröffentlicht am 10. Juli 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Feuilleton, Fun, Satire, Videos | Kommentieren »
This is something coworkers could do as well!!! The latest version of the Allgäu-Orient Rally 2013 was sold out in a little more than 2 minutes. 111 participants signed up in this short period to take part in this rally for a good cause. The rules: You can take part in a car that costs […]
Veröffentlicht am 2. Juni 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Meinung, Praxisberichte, Beispiele, Best-Practice, Videos | Kommentieren »
This is article number 522 and we are still hungry for more 😉 Talking about food, we hope we have give you a lot of „food for thought“ on coworking, and we like to continue to do so. This is not so much about our blog, but about what we can achieve together. That is […]