Veröffentlicht am 21. September 2015 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, Crowdsourcing, Feuilleton, Fun, Satire, Finanzierung, Funding, Praxisberichte, Beispiele, Best-Practice, Videos | Kommentieren »
Heute waren wir auf dem Münchner Preview des Films „Capital C„, der damit wirbt „Der weltweit erste Kino-Dokumentarfilm zum Thema Crowdfunding!“ zu sein. Der Film ist äußerst inspirierend, humorvoll und unterhaltsam. Dem Nürnberger Regisseur Jørg Kundinger, der auch heute in München anwesend war, ist zusammen mit seinem Co-Regisseur Timon Birkhofer ein visuell sehr ansprechender und emotionaler Film […]
Veröffentlicht am 1. Juli 2013 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Free Coworking Directory, Funding | Kommentieren »
Free Coworking project „CoWorking Verona“ is currently collecting money through crowdfunding. The campaign has just started and will run for another 27 days. We wish the project many supporters!!! If you like to start a free coworking project yourself, connect yourself with other projects like „CoWorking Verona“, join the Facebook Group Free Coworking, enter yourself […]
Veröffentlicht am 9. Februar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Funding, Meinung, Zitate | 6 Kommentare
First of all a big thank you to Jay for his great comment and very valuable points concerning the introduction of „Free Coworking“ in an already running coworking space!!! I am taking the unusual step to reply to his comment in a blog article, because I believe many people are interested to join the discussion. […]
Veröffentlicht am 8. Januar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, CoWorking News International, Entrepreneurship, kleine Unternehmen, Funding, Fundsachen, Gruppenprozesse | Kommentieren »
On day two, of the „Free Coworking“ Campaign, the Group has already doubled in size. If we could double the size of the group every day now, we would reach our first target in 14 days!!! Spread the word, join the group!!! Many of you might ask themselves what we might do with all this […]
Veröffentlicht am 4. Januar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Calendar, CoWorking Events, CoWorking News International, Funding, Videos | Kommentieren »
SOCAP (Social Capital Markets) has announced the dates for two of their major events this year: SOCAP/Europe in Malmö (Sweden) will take place 8th to 10th of May and SOCAP12 in San Francisco (CA) will take place 1st to 4th of October 2012. To get a good idea about these events see the video below. For […]
Veröffentlicht am 29. April 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Funding, Videos | Kommentieren »
Film is a very powerful medium to communicate. Whether it is an emotional, spiritual or other subject. Coworking can use this medium in a very effective way as I showed with some examples before. I have personally gathered footage which I like use for a feature film documentary about coworking. I am inviting other film-makers […]
Veröffentlicht am 13. April 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Calendar, CoWorking-Starter, Finanzierung, Funding | Kommentieren »
Wie dem „Open International CoWorking Calendar“ Eintrag am 23. April 2011 zu entnehmen, sind es ab heute noch 10 Tage bis zum Ende des Visionbakery Funding Projekts des Studio Delta. Ein Unterstützer hat bereits 70€ zugesagt und es werden noch 825€ benötigt. Wenn jetzt jeden Tag eine(r) eine ähnliche Summe zusagen würde, wäre das Ziel erreicht. An alle Coworking Interessierte […]
Veröffentlicht am 31. März 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Calendar, CoWorking News International, Funding, Praxisberichte, Beispiele, Best-Practice, Services und Unterstützung | Kommentieren »
The major focus of the „Open International CoWorking Calendar“ is to list events relating to coworking. Developing our vision a little further the calendar should also help to strengthen the coworking community in general. The first evolution of doing this is by communicating major milestones for coworking spaces like openings and anniversaries. Another stage can be financing milestones relating to crowd funding. […]
Veröffentlicht am 17. Februar 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Funding, Fundsachen, Praxisberichte, Beispiele, Best-Practice | 1 Kommentar »
Yesterday I presented the „Awesome Foundation„. If you have a “crazy brilliant idea” there is a good chance they will reward you with $1,000 to start your project. As $1,000 will not get you very far in most cases you will need additional funding. One of these additional sources could be „Kickstarter“ that we also presented before. Now […]
Veröffentlicht am 16. Februar 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Funding, Meinung | Kommentieren »
If you find something awesome, like the „Awesome Foundation“ it is a tough call to excel on it. Some might ask why should you anyway? Well, I would say because it is worth it. If we are happy with the things we have achieved, we get complacent and stop innovating. What an awesome idea to support „crazy […]