Veröffentlicht am 28. Januar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Fundsachen, Gruppenprozesse, Kreativität, Videos | 1 Kommentar »
Thanks to the sharing of Pavel Binar and Bert-Ola Bergstrand I can present today the wonderful talk and plea for „Co-Development“ by Charles Leadbeater on TED. Leadbeater´s arguments for consumer driven innovation are extremely powerful and very relevant to a movement like „Free Coworking„. Only by experiment, trial and error, enough people collaborating will Coworking […]
Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Feuilleton, Fun, Satire, Videos | Kommentieren »
To clarify some points about „Free Coworking“ we start this series: „Free Coworking“ explained. Today I like to look at one of the most important aspects for „Free Coworking“ to become widespread and sustainable. Number One: Without „Applied Teamwork“ or „Collaboration“ there is no „Free Coworking“. In my introduction to „Free Coworking“ on the 6th […]
Veröffentlicht am 16. Januar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Calendar, CoWorking Events, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing | Kommentieren »
A global event like the currently running Jellyweek requires a completely new focus for everyone involved. If you want to communicate and cooperate with someone in a different place on this planet, you have to consider that this person is probably living and working in a different time zone to yourself. If you live in […]
Veröffentlicht am 11. Januar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Creative Environments, Crowdsourcing, Gruppenprozesse, Videos | Kommentieren »
We live in a very paradoxical world. We want most things for free: free internet, free music, free films. If it can be reproduced easily or it is digital, of course we want it for free. When it comes to collaboration a lot of people suddenly hesitate. Collaboration for free? No, that is not possible. […]
Veröffentlicht am 10. Januar 2012 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Calendar, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Gruppenprozesse | Kommentieren »
„Free Coworking“ needs a critical mass of Social Capital to attract Financial Capital. This is true on a local, as well as on a global scale. For „Free Coworking“ to operate on a global scale we need at least 10,000 committed activists which I think is worth about 15.000.000 € in Social Capital. In the first […]
Veröffentlicht am 27. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Meinung, Studien und Trends, Videos | 3 Kommentare
Inspired by Marit Larsen´s song „If a song could get me you“ and my long-held conviction that coworking and radio can benefit hugely from another I like to ask whether 2012 will see „Coworking Radio“ come alive? A lot of what coworking has been about up to now passes via written texts (emails, websites etc.) […]
Veröffentlicht am 25. November 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Calendar, CoWorking Events, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Fundsachen, Videos | Kommentieren »
The idea according to the organizers: „Imagine all new business in the world would be created in the context of and supporting global social, ecological, political and economic change.“ – „We are building the infrastructure that allows us to experience the change we see in the world.“ – „At the Bar Camp from Nov. 28th until […]
Veröffentlicht am 23. Februar 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, Crowdsourcing, Praxisberichte, Beispiele, Best-Practice, Services und Unterstützung | Kommentieren »
Letzte Woche haben wir am Mittwoch und Donnerstag über die „Awesome Foundation“ berichtet. Das Betahaus in Berlin ist bereits als erstes, deutsches „Chapter“ (ein Entscheidungsgremium von 10 Personen) seit Dezember 2010 aktiv. Die aktuelle Projekteinreichrunde wird nach Auskunft von Madeleine am 10. März 2011 mit den „obligatorischen $1,000 in der braunen Papiertüte“ prämiert. Einreichungen sind hier möglich. Wer […]
Veröffentlicht am 16. Februar 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Funding, Meinung | Kommentieren »
If you find something awesome, like the „Awesome Foundation“ it is a tough call to excel on it. Some might ask why should you anyway? Well, I would say because it is worth it. If we are happy with the things we have achieved, we get complacent and stop innovating. What an awesome idea to support „crazy […]
Veröffentlicht am 26. Januar 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Crowdsourcing, Meinung, Videos | 2 Kommentare
Very often when we speak of the culture in coworking spaces, we think of the way people communicate and relate to each other. We believe that shared values will attract the right people that we like to share our workspace and ideas with. Most of the time we find though that we run our own business or […]