Veröffentlicht am 11. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking News International, Videos, Waste becomes Resource | Kommentieren »
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (Laozi). If you are interested in a compassionate resource-oriented society (a society that takes responsibility for this planet) and you believe the coworking movement should grow, do not think twice and join the „Waste becomes Resource“ Facebook Group now. If we think of the thousand miles ahead […]
Veröffentlicht am 9. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Basics, Konzeptionelles, CoWorking Kultur, Videos, Waste becomes Resource | Kommentieren »
Now this is what I call an achievement!!! 25 million books send to African children since 1988. That is about a million books per year. Great!!! Kevin Jones, one of our activists in our newly founded group , already works with this organization. Starting up, like we just did with this campaign, it is very useful to […]
Veröffentlicht am 8. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Waste becomes Resource | Kommentieren »
For better visibility of all activists we set up a „Waste becomes Resource“ Group yesterday on Facebook. Two themes already popped up in the first few hours. Distribution of „books and furniture“ for and from coworking spaces. Regarding books we could for example set up an „International Coworking Library“. In the same way as coworking […]
Veröffentlicht am 7. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Kultur, CoWorking News International, Waste becomes Resource | Kommentieren »
The Spanish platform CoworkingSpain which promotes coworking for over 100 coworking spaces supports our „Waste becomes Resource“ Campaign on CoWorking News. This is great!!! The first aim of the campaign is to increase awareness for projects that can be carried out and be supported by many coworking spaces. To have an impact we need to collaborate and use […]
Veröffentlicht am 6. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking News International, Gesellschaftliches, New Work, New Life, Videos, Waste becomes Resource | Kommentieren »
Here is a film that is about 160 minutes long. It has been seen over 1 million times. I recommend that you see this film. The beginning is a little cumbersome, but bear with it. It is worth it. It might be a good idea to join in your coworking space for a group viewing […]
Veröffentlicht am 5. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking News International, Fundsachen, Videos, Waste becomes Resource | Kommentieren »
Giving is an art form. I believe a very good present would always have some element of surprise and individual touch. Individual touch as an expression of the giver and individual touch in recognizing the uniqueness of the person you give to. If you put some special effort into it, you will even succeed in transforming what many […]
Veröffentlicht am 4. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking News International, Entrepreneurship, kleine Unternehmen, Videos, Waste becomes Resource | Kommentieren »
The idea is very simple „Sell or Recycle Your Electronics Today“. What is closest to most coworkers, their electronic equipment. Mobile Phone, Laptop, PC, Tablet, MP3 Payer etc. The company one of the starters in „America’s Most Promising Social Entrepreneurs“ is specialized in this field: „Everyday, thousands of people buy and sell electronics. But sooner […]
Veröffentlicht am 2. Dezember 2011 von admin in Kategorie: CoWorking Klatsch & Tratsch, CoWorking News International, Fundsachen, Innovative Produkte, Kreativität, Videos, Waste becomes Resource | 1 Kommentar »
In July 2010, we were fascinated by the project „Plastiki„. A boat made out of 12,500 plastic bottles to make a change. The idea was to draw the attention to the plastic waste in our oceans. The project received wide attention ( Oprah, NYTimes etc.) and represents a benchmark in terms of creativity, team spirit and publicity […]