Video Tour: Sektor5, Vienna (Austria)
Veröffentlicht am 8. Februar 2011 von admin in Kategorie: European CoWorking Directory, Videos | Kommentieren »Video by Sektor5:
Video by Sektor5:
Video by Josef Davies-Coates:
Video by Josef Davies-Coates:
Thanks to Josef Davies-Coates and Sektor5 the „European CoWorking Directory“ can further improve its service by starting to offer a „Video Tour“ of some of the listed coworking spaces. Introducing today the Video Tours of: Hub Madrid, Hub Amsterdam, Hub Rotterdam, Hub Shop Rotterdam and Sektor5, we hope, that soon we can offer a video […]
Maybe other coworking space starter will follow this original idea from London (UK) . We will certainly support this idea by setting up an „International CoWorking Space Starter Directory“, similar to the German one that has already proofed so beneficial here. Extra content: A video like this one! Just send us a short email with the […]
One „Impression“ video from Pax Coworking (in Japanese) and one introduction video (in English)
Hub Brussels supports the drive to make coworking spaces centers for innovation (see video below). I believe this idea is very important! I invite Hub Brussels and everyone interested in the subject to contact me at „“ to further this cause.
A little bit of fun and a few coworking impressions from the Czech Republic, The Works (in English) and Austria, Sektor5 (in German): Jelly 2011-01 Jan 25th 2011 Vypalene Kotatko from The Works on Vimeo.
Als heute Nachmittag die Nachrichtenredaktion von RTL2 anrief und über den Trend Coworking berichten wollte, habe ich mich natürlich gefreut. Nicht nur, dass die Medien zunehmend über aktuelle Ereignisse berichten wie die Jelly Week letzte Woche gezeigt hat (siehe unten), sondern, dass die Redakteure offensichtlich auch die einschlägigen Medien, wie die CoWorking News lesen. Besonders hilfreich […]
Very often when we speak of the culture in coworking spaces, we think of the way people communicate and relate to each other. We believe that shared values will attract the right people that we like to share our workspace and ideas with. Most of the time we find though that we run our own business or […]